In the heart of a bustling metropolis stood a towering apartment building, its windows reflecting…
Ana Quin O’Rourke sat on her balcony sipping a cup of her favorite tea, Earl…
Three dictators: two in Europe and one in Asia. They formed an alliance and called…
It is 4:45 pm and Ms. Rose Delvechio rushes to catch the 4:48 pm express…
It was 6:00 AM and he had survived a cold night in the mountains. The…
By: Dr. Katherine E.A. Korkidis She was a woman of 63 years. She is shorter…
By: Dr. Katherine E.A. Korkidis Sarah Elizabeth Warren had just turned 21 years of age…
Flaming ambers in the night glowing with a ghostly light. It was a cold and…
As I lie here staring at the ceiling, I realize that this is my fate.…